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The Art of Management

How Art & Management Meet?


Jonathan Levy

Jonathan leviFounder at Synegrity, Israel

I believe one cannot be a manger and a leader without taking real interest in people. As a CEO, you have to understand what motivates employees in order to commit them to a future you delineate and all create together.

Partnership, fairness, directness and willingness to learn – on both a personal and corporate level – tighten relations between all members of the organization for the sake of its customers. A good manager knows he is successful only thanks to the success of his employees/ partners.
They give him inspiration, while he gives them vision and leadership.

In my photography art I am also interested almost exclusively in people – people who are sometimes anonymous to me, and yet whose very existence in a certain time and place provide me with the image I seek. Taking pictures of complete strangers without asking their permission in advance requires the photographer to face one of his greatest fears – the fear of rejection. Coping with that fear, however, confirms what we all know deep inside – people are flattered by attention.

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